Performance Management
This course aims at facilitating the students to provide an understanding of the performance management process as well as the ability to manage performance in real world scenario.
This course aims to discuss the theory and principles of training as they relate to the organizational
objectives and strategies. The course also emphasis the value of developing training programmes that relate
training to the overall strategy of the firm.
A person managing a production unit, whether it is a farm, factory, or a domestic kitchen, has to coordinate men, machines, and money against several constraints like that of time, cost and space, in order to achieve the organization’s objectives in an efficient and effective manner. The manager has to analyze the situation on a continuous basis, determine the objectives, identify the best option from the set of available alternatives, implement, coordinate, evaluate, and control the situation continuously to achieve these objectives. Organizations of today have become increasingly complex and hence managerial decision making has become even more complex. As a result, management is becoming more of a science than an art.
Human Resource Management
- The course on Human Resource Management introduces the students to the operative functions by providing certain
techniques and enabling skills they need as effective managers - both as HR and
Business Managers.
Career Management
The course to familiarize the student with the requirement of designing appropriate systems for management of organizational career development.
Although it is a distinct discipline in its own right, Operations Research (O.R.) has also become an integral part of the Industrial Engineering profession. This is hardly a matter of surprise when one considers that they both share many of the same objectives, techniques and application areas. O.R. as a formal subject is about fifty years old and its origins may be traced to the latter half of World War II. Most of the O.R. techniques that are commonly used today were developed over the first twenty years following its inception. During the next thirty or so years the pace of development of fundamentally new O.R. methodologies has slowed somewhat. However, there has been a rapid expansion in (1) the breadth of problem areas to which O.R. has been applied, and (2) in the magnitudes of the problems that can be addressed using O.R. methodologies. Today, operations research is a mature, well-developed field with a sophisticated array of techniques that are used routinely to solve problems in a wide range of application areas.
The course creates awareness on the
Administrative Law, Contract Law, Company Law, Income Tax Act and Sales Tax Act
and VAT and Labour Laws
Product Management
This course will deal with the product introduction, management, new product management, packaging and brand management