Metal clusters
Analytical and Environmental Chemistry
Organic Synthesis
This course is for the fourth semester students who have chosen Organic Synthesis as the elective
COURSE OBJECTIVE: To introduce to the students certain advanced topics in organic chemistry
NMR Spectroscopy
NMR Spectroscopy - Magnetic nuclei with emphasis on 1H and 13C, shielding, de-shielding and chemical shifts, factors affecting chemical shifts - Field and anisotropic factors, relaxation processes, chemical and magnetic non-equivalence, 1H and 13C NMR scales, Spin-spin splitting – AX, AX2, AX3, A2X3, AB, ABC and AMX type coupling, Coupling constants. Pascals triangle, first order and non-first order spectra, Karplus curve, Quadrapule broadening, virtual and long-range coupling, Shift reagents and their role, Decoupling and double resonance, Off-resonance decoupling, NOE. Introduction to 2D NMR. Correlation, NOE and quantum correlation spectroscopy techniques like COSY, HETCOR, HMQC, HMBC, NOESY and EXCY. Application of DEPT technique, Problems on spectral interpretation.